Thursday, January 14, 2010

Your characters know themselves better than you do.

Okay, so usually I know what I'm going to write when I sit down to write it, but more often than not, the story takes over and starts to tell itself. It forms connections within itself that I never would have thought of on my own and can take me to some of the most unexpected places. If that sounds kind of weird, it is...but it's also something I've heard other writers talk about.


So, along that same line, my characters can sometimes surprise me. Sometimes I don't know things about them until they tell me, but usually I have a decent idea of who they are and what I expect from them. Today, however, the story, my fingers, and one of my characters decided it was time for a shake up. And I don't mean the delicious lemon kind you get at fairs. (Yum.)

Lord Endymion kissed Raven. O_O

I didn't even know Endymion liked women. And I never saw him as a potential love interest for Raven. My intentions for them were wholly platonic. Not to mention that I didn't go into the scene with any sort of kissing planned. Now I have no idea what's going on.

All I know for sure is that when I left them, Raven was kissing him back, so I guess I'd better get back in there and figure out where they're about to take me.

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