Sunday, November 22, 2009

Worlds are colliding and George is getting upset!

Just a quick note that I'll file under randomness even though it's not all that random.

This has been a whirlwind of a week. Last Friday, my husband put in his interest for a possible promotion at work. On Wednesday, on he was selected for this position, which means he will be his department's handler for their new bomb dog. On Thursday, he and two of his superiors made a 3 1/2 drive to select a dog and then the dog came home to our house. And now, he and dog have already been shipped off to training.

In addition to the speed of all these changes, we are cat people and have four cats who have never interacted with dogs. Plus, I've never owned a dog and the only dog my husband's ever owned was a dachshund. This has been crazy, insane nuts.

And then the other shoe fell off...for health reasons, the dog that was originally selected and spent all weekend with us had to go back and my husband had to select another dog, spur of the moment, to begin training with tomorrow. O_O

It has been crazy. The new dog is apparently a beast of a dog and the trainer said that "Bear" would be an apt name based on his size. I've only seen a photo pic of him, which didn't do his size justice, but he looks like a happy little sweetheart. His name will be Gunner and he is supposedly super furry, so we'll have to stay on top of brushing him, having him groomed, and hopefully have his fur trimmed.

I can't wait to meet the dog, but it's going to happen probably late on Wednesday night, when my husband returns home for the holiday/weekend. I can guarantee that this Thanksgiving is going to be interesting. I have no idea how this dog will do with the cats or how they'll do with him. The first dog was very interested in them, as though he'd never seen one before, and they were all adamant that they hated him. I'm hopeful that it'll be the same with the new dog, and that the cats won't realized it's a different dog. We shall see!

Sorry for typos and whatnot. It's late, I'm medicated, exhausted, sore as hell, and ready to hit the sack like it's the only thing keeping me going. Oh man. This whole dog and spur of the moment training thing has been a rough event added to an already rough few weeks. But, we'll forge ahead...always forward, but never straight because that'd be too easy.

Ever forward but never straight...that's like the motto for my life. Who knows where we'll wind up next? Wrestling a turkey leg from a dog's mouth? Well let's just say it's going to be interesting.


NerdGirl said... know you would be bored out of your gourd if everything in your world was quiet and uninteresting. You wouldn't have any stories to tell and you clearly are a storyteller!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Cute! Like the straight comment!! lol... You have my quirky sense of humor - keep it handy!! I thought dad would be in this one!! =^_^=