Sunday, November 23, 2008

Neko-chan rants!

Uh oh...I forgot that Neko has been on the war path lately. I think she's about to --

AHEM. It is I, Neko-chan, and I have something to say! I absolutely, positively will not tolerate any more cats coming into this house! I will not, I will not!
(aren't her stubby legs just so cute stamping about?)

AHEM! I am speaking!
Just what is up with that new guy anyway? Those are my mice. Mine. Not his. And he'd better not even think about the one in the kitchen. I am the mouser. Me. Not him. That's my job and I'm gosh darn good at it. Neko-chan's a good girl. I know it cuz I'm told so a whole bunch of times everyday. Who's a good girl? ME! That's who!

Oh but it's so not fair! They coo and coo over Jonny and tell him he's a good boy, but he's not. He's not! He's always jumping on me with a stupid grin on his face. I could just swipe it right off with one sharpened claw...well, I could if I had claws. Damn. Well this just smacks my fanny in a really irksome way. Grrrreat...

Hmm, looks like she's gone off to sulk a bit. That concludes this installment of the world as it pertains to Neko.

1 comment:

NerdGirl said...

Poor Neko. I am sorry that the people you own have been entranced by another cat. You may not have claws but you do have teeth...teach that new cat a lesson! P.S. Don't tell your people that I encouraged violence.